What Should I do with Unwanted Items?


Items Which Can Fit Into a Car

Examples: Vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, rugs, kitchen utensils, etc. (no building materials).

These must be taken to:

  1. The recycling vehicle which is on the resort (in front of the SPAR supermarket) every Monday between 09:00 and 11:30. Please click here to see what is accepted by the recycling vehicle.
  2. The “Ecoparque” which is situated in Torre Pacheco, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 09:00 & 14:00 or between 16:30 & 18:00. The address is Avenida Gerardo Molina (next to the railroad).
  3. The “Ecoparque” which is situated in Roldán, Wednesdays and Fridays between 09:00 & 14:00 or between 16:30 & 18:00. The address is Calle José López Portillo, Polígono Industrial A.U.I., 6.

Furniture and Other Large Household Goods for Which You Would Need a Van or a Lorry

Examples: Fridges, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Mattresses, Bed Bases, Garden & Household furniture, etc. (no building materials)

You should contact STV Gestión on (+34) 968 58 53 40 or notify Werner in Community support at mmgrcommunitysupport@gmail.com or Mare Nostrum at marmenor@mnlegalfirm.com

Unwanted furniture or large items must be left in front of your Villa (visible from the street). Once you have given notification it will be collected in the following days.


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