Waste Depositing & What to do With Unwanted Items


There is a time restriction on when rubbish bags can be deposited in the Green Rubbish Bins (if you rent out your properties, please ensure your guests are informed and arrange for your key holders to remove rubbish bags from your properties if your guests leave before the permitted times).


According to Article 41 of the municipal ordinance waste to be deposited in the bins should always be in waterproof plastic bags that are sufficiently resistant to prevent spillage. The schedule for depositing the waste is between 20:00 and 23:00.


If the police catches you depositing rubbish outside the mentioned times; depositing rubbish or other items next to the bins; depositing rubble, large items, etc. into the bins, you may be fined on the spot. It is also possible for anyone, including the waste collection company, to denounce the person/s who has/have committed these infractions.


Article 51 states the following:

The infractions are classified as minor and serious. Violations may result in the imposition of any of the following penalties:

– Minor offenses: €30 to €150 fine. i.e. depositing rubbish outside the established times; leaving any object next to the bins; leaving large items, i.e. furniture, next to the bins without notifying the council.

– Serious offenses: €151 to €1,000 fine. Depositing rubble in the bins; depositing heavy objects.


Please note: the GREEN bins are emptied:

Winter (October to May)

Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, starting at 23:00.

Summer (June to September)

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, starting at 23:00


What Should I do with Unwanted Items?

Items Which Can Fit Into a Car

These must be taken to:

  1. The recycling vehicle which is on the resort (in front of the padel courts) every Monday between 09:00 and 11:30.
  2. The “Ecoparque” which is situated in Torre Pacheco, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 09:00 & 14:00 or between 16:30 & 18:00. The address is Avenida Gerardo Molina (next to the railroad).
  3. The “Ecoparque” which is situated in Roldán, Wednesdays and Fridays between 09:00 & 14:00 or between 16:30 & 18:00. The address is Calle José López Portillo, Polígono Industrial A.U.I., 6.

Furniture and Other Large Household Goods

You should contact STV Gestión on (+34) 968 58 53 40 or notify Werner in Community support at mmgrcommunitysupport@gmail.com or Mare Nostrum at marmenor@mnlegalfirm.com

Unwanted furniture or large items must be left in front of your Villa (visible from the street). Once you have given notification it will be collected in the following days.




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