Safety Notice & Emergency Numbers Fridge Magnet


Many of you will be unaware, that on average two emergency ambulances are summoned to the resort each week.

Owners and visitors when in need of the emergency services should phone 112 immediately, their call is connected to the regional Emergency Control Room. Following this call, security should also be informed by phoning either (0034) 622 661 999 or (0034)
968 041 999.

Not only is this advice promulgated in various forms, there is also a free fridge magnet available from the Community Help Desk. If you have not yet collected yours then we ask you to do so, so that it is at hand when you most need it.

By informing security, the guards at each entrance gate will ensure arriving emergency vehicles have clear access to the incident and the security patrol car will be despatched to the incident address to provide immediate assistance.

Each guard is a first aider and they are equipped with a defibrillator and trained in its use.

In the event the incident involves fire, the patrol car is equipped with first aid firefighting extinguishers.

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